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CPI really love to hear from you. Contact us with any query that you may have about our services, price, turnaround or anything of CPI. You can use Skype or G-Talk to get very instant reply of your query. Or please spent a while to write your note and we will get back to you very shortly or within maximum one hour.

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    [/two_third] [one_third last=”yes”]

    House- #34, Road- #01
    Sector- #12,
    Uttara Model Town
    Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh


    Call (even on Viber):
    +88 01768 262 636

    Instant Message(IM)

    Click on Skype icon to instant live chat!

    Skype: clippingpathin
    G-Talk: clippingpathin.cpi


    Where we are
    [map address=”Sector 12, Uttara, Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh” type=”roadmap” width=”100%” height=”300px” zoom=”14″ scrollwheel=”yes” scale=”yes” zoom_pancontrol=”yes”][/map]
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