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Our company has the best track record in providing quality image masking services to a whole host of clients over the years. Image Masking is a technique, which is implemented on images that have fuzzy edges protruding from the main subject of the image.

While clipping the image is another solution, it is by no means as perfect as that done by Photoshop Masking. We ensure that each, and every image that comes to us is edited, and finished in the best possible manner.

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image masking service

Image Masking is done by setting the pixel values of parts of the image to zero, or other background values of the same nature. Masking can be mainly done in two ways:

1. The first method is using the image as a mask. A mask image is primarily an image, where the pixel density values of the image are non-zero at some places and are zero at other places. In the places where the pixel intensity is zero in the original image, i.e. the mask image, the value of pixel intensity of the masked image, i.e. the resulting image after the masking is complete, will be mainly set to the background value, which would be mainly zero.

2. The second way to do Image Masking is by using ROI sets as the primary mask. The ROIs for each separate slice.

Our website offers highly trained designers, and artists, who can work their way through any kind of project and deliver the best result that you can get. We approach every other project differently, in a manner that would suit the project, and would yield the best results both on time and within the specified budget.

We do not follow any kind of fixed rule to approach every project in the same manner, and this helps us to avert causing any sort of disappointment among our clients from the quality of our work. Layer Masking is one of the many techniques used under this category. This technique is mainly used to maintain the level of transparency of a certain layer after it has been masked. Another similar process is the method of hair masking.

This involves changing the background layer, or making a selection of the subject, and masking it with a new layer. This technique is mainly used when the hair of the subject has fuzzy edges in the image, or other things are protruding out in a similar manner.

Our team of designers, and artists, have years of experience to back them up, and they can separate the background from the foreground, no matter how much detailed the background is. Hair Masking is one of the toughest techniques in this category, but our team does it without even breaking a sweat.

Our team consists of a whole bunch of designers, and artists, who have different strengths. Each of them has a specific area of expertise, and they continue to build on the skills that they possess until they master it. Suppose the artists, and designers, who are good at Layer Mask, would not be as good as other techniques, but the team would consist of other designers and artists who would be good at those other techniques.

Similarly, the designers, and artists who are good at Photoshop Masking, would not be as good at any other type of masking job. Thus, our holistic approach helps us in ensuring that we provide services that exceed the expectations of our clients.

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