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We really prefer to use our secure FTP to give-&-take all the images specially for big volumes. To upload initial or small volume images(less then 2GB), you can use this uploader below.

Please don’t forget to write a instruction note and place our email: on “friends email” field.

● Maximum upload limit are 2GB (multiple files allowed)
● Don’t reload or close the browser/tab till upload finished
● Write Instruction Note
● Use our email:

After finish the upload, we both(you-&-CPI) will receive a confirmation email with download link. Then we will also send you an email and will be let you know when we could send them back as done. Normally we start work instantly.

Note that, if you think your all/total files size is up to 2GB then CPI would like to request you to send a FTP Request by GOING HERE
We will get back to you with a secure FTP account shortly.

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